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Lectins and Leaky Gut

Writer: Christine PhillipsChristine Phillips

It is estimated that 60% of the population is susceptible to suffering from leaky gut, inflammation, inadequate weight-gain, poor digestion, and allergies; however, such problems could be minimized if a person removes lectins from the diet. Recent studies show that dietary lectins may contribute to permeable gut (aka Leaky Gut) and inflammation. Let’s have a look at why you should avoid eating lectins.

What are lectins?

Lectins are a type of carbohydrate binding protein found in high levels in many plant-based foods. The presence of lectins is high in whole grains, legumes, beans, seeds and nuts. You will also find lectins in dairy, nightshade vegetables and coffee too!

Why should you remove lectins from your diet?

Lectins are commonly found in a number of foods that we eat on a daily basis; however, they have certain properties which make them indigestible to us. Lectins found in legumes, nuts, and grains are associated with causing chronic inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, and digestive distress.

Lectins and leaky gut syndrome

A number of studies have proven that lectins are responsible for binding to the intestinal lining, and it also attaches itself to the villi of the small intestine. The villi are responsible for storing nutrients before they are passed into a bloodstream. However, when the lectin attaches to the villi, it disables the function of the villi, and it keeps the body from absorbing and digesting nutrients that are crucial for its well-being. Lectins also result in inflammation that acts as a contributing factor for causing a leaky gut syndrome in a person.

As an outcome, the leaky gut syndrome causes opening between the intestinal lining that allows the lectins and other pathogenic organisms to pass into the bloodstream, which weakens resistance to insulin in one’s body.

Lectins and chronic inflammation

If the body creates antibodies to lectins, when you consume them, the immune system will attack. This results in the desensitizing the immune system, which provokes the body to become highly inflammable as a result.

Removing lectins from your food

It is not entirely possible to eliminate all lectins from your diet. However, you can reduce your exposure by eliminating high lectin foods such as grains, beans, legumes, seeds, nuts and nightshades.

As I have always said, your body is unique and processes things differently to everyone else. The only way to see if things work, is by just giving it a try and see how your body responds.

Yours in health.



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