I am in a house with 2 teenage girls and then me, nearly 50. I have been so crazy this year that I actually went for a test to check out my hormonal levels and it all came back fine…… MY KIDS SAID “yikes thank goodness we will be leaving soon as we don’t want to see what you like when you do reach Menopause….. “ Yes, that’s me, it’s been a stressful year.
In my Blog below I want to touch on just a few things that can help with hormonal health and natural solutions you can add into your diet. These foods will not only help your hormones but will also help prevent various cancers and keep you healthy.
My philosophy is all about prevention, so let’s start here….
When you struggle with hormonal imbalances, it can feel impossible to figure out exactly what to eat that will give you some relief, to turn things around, and get you back on your best foot again.
When you are diagnosed with these types of issues, you are usually thrown a bunch of paperwork and end up online searching the web for the foods and recipes that you can eat to stay healthy. I have never seen this lead to anything but more confusion.
Don’t get yourself down though, no matter what types of imbalances and problems you are trying to resolve, no matter how complicated and confusing a diet might seem, eating healthy is as simple as the ingredients the earth offers us.
If you are trying to correct hormonal imbalances, let me put your mind to rest with 4 foods that will help you get onto the road to healing.
No one can question how amazing avocados are for your health. Avocados are loaded with potassium, mono-unsaturated fatty acids that help reduce inflammation, and a litany of vitamins that add a kick to your immune system.
Broccoli has a multitude of benefits that benefit your entire body. It is filled with B vitamins and folate which help with your hormones, and even a healthy pregnancy. It is packed with antioxidants that create a one-two punch for your immune system, and helps cleanse your body of unwanted toxins.
It also helps manage your estrogen hormones the premenstrual cycle. It removes the bad estrogen from the human body, cleansing it wonderfully.
Broccoli can be eaten raw by itself with a delicious dressing, mixed into salads, and is beyond amazing when sautéed as a side dish.
Excess production of estrogen can be extremely harmful to the human body. This is where pomegranate becomes your savior. Pomegranates are filled with antioxidants and vitamin C which helps your body cleanse.
It also helps to block excessive production of estrogen and has been shown to help reduce the risk of breast cancer. This is a power packed fruit everyone should enjoy in their diet, especially if trying to balance hormones.
You can eat pomegranate seeds by themselves, but pomegranate is also a secret ingredient to delicious dressings, and my favorite juice to drink.
Salmon is what I consider the wonder food of the sea. It is known worldwide for its Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for cardiovascular health. Salmon also boosts the communication from cell to cell, which means it helps enhance hormonal communication and balance.
Salmon can be cooked and eaten in so many ways, almost all of which have simple recipes to preserve its natural deliciousness. My favorite is simply baked with olive oil and lemon, topped with a tahini dressing.
Let me share with you why I love flaxseeds. Flaxseeds, also called linseeds, are a rich wellspring of micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, and the fundamental unsaturated fat alpha-linolenic corrosive, otherwise called ALA or omega-3.
Flaxseeds have served as nourishment for around 6,000 years and were more than likely the first superfood. Their benefits are numerous: enhanced assimilation, clear skin, decreased cholesterol, decreased sugar desires, adjusted hormones, and advance weight reduction. Flaxseed contains a perfect combination of omega-3's and omega-6's which work to frame the films of each cell in your body and support the dynamic tissues of your brain. Flaxseeds support healthy hair, nails, and skin, minimize circulatory strain, and prevent joint pain and diseases. Flaxseed aids digestion and can reduce the effects of menopause.
Flaxseeds have even more benefits, many of them hormonal.
High fiber but low carbs
Flaxseeds contain large amounts of adhesive gum content. Adhesive gum is a gel-framing fiber that is water dissolvable and has amazing advantages for the intestinal tract. The adhesive keeps nourishment in the stomach from depleting too rapidly into the small digestive tract. Flax is also high in both solvent and insoluble fiber that can bolster colon detoxification, promote weight loss, and reduce sugar cravings.
Skin & Hair
To improve skin, hair, and nails, include 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds to your smoothie or 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your daily routine. The ALA fats in flaxseeds benefit skin and hair cells by providing basic fats and B-vitamins to prevent dryness and flakiness. It can also reduce the presence of skin inflammation, rosacea, and dermatitis, and alleviate dry eye disorder.
Flaxseeds are perfect for people with Celiac disease or gluten-affectability. They are also a good source of the same omega-3 fats found in fish for individuals with fish sensitivity. It is an excellent grain-free ingredient for cooking.
A review distributed in the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research found that consuming flaxseeds may diminish the danger of breast cancer. The three lignans found in flaxseeds can be metabolized by intestinal microbes into enterolactone and diol which actually adjust hormone levels. Another review distributed in the Journal of Nutrition found that the lignans in flaxseeds can also reduce the danger of endometrial and ovarian growth.
Menopausal Symptoms
The lignans in flax can be used as an alternative to hormone substitution treatment because of their estrogenic properties. They can also help decrease the onset of osteoporosis. Flaxseed can even promote regular menstrual cycles. To optimize these benefits, incorporate 1-2 tbsps. of flaxseed in a breakfast smoothie alongside 1 tbsp. of flaxseed oil.
The Maca plant is part of the Brassicaceae family, so it’s botanically related to broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. This vegetable is native to the Andes, in Peru. While all parts of the plant are edible, it is the root that’s considered a superfood. The root has been used as a food and medicine in the Peruvian culture for centuries. An adaptogen, Maca root contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that have a balancing effect on the body.
According to The Maca Team, LLC, “The high amino acid content of maca plants (which includes arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, tyrosine, and valine) is likely responsible for many of the profound health benefits offered by our organic maca powders. These essential amino acids are responsible for several crucial human biological processes, including the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline, both of which support not only mood stability but also sexual health.”
Maca is generally found in dried powder form and is available in larger grocery stores and online. The rich malt-like-flavor of maca tastes divine when brewed
(another well-known superfood). Maca can be added to smoothies, overnight oats, and even into porridge and stews to help improve stamina and boost energy. Many people can break free of a morning coffee habit by making the switch to Maca!
Let’s explore Maca in a little more detail so you can decide for yourself if it’s right for you.
It is a great source of nutrition
This root is a nutrient powerhouse! It is high in protein, fiber, Vitamin C, copper, iron, potassium, B6, and manganese. Maca is also a good source of riboflavin and niacin. The amino acids profile in maca may be behind the exceptional health benefits (see the note above.) Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and every cell in the body needs them.
Eases stress and supports the body.
Maca root belongs to a category of substances called adaptogens. Adaptogens help the body respond better to stress and illness while they gently restore balance. Where the caffeine in coffee boosts energy and stress the adrenal glands, the nutrients in Maca boost energy and support the adrenals! The adrenals are responsible for regulating cortisol, which is our major stress hormone.
Maca regulates hormones.
The nutrients in Maca nourish and support the pituitary and hypothalamus glands, also known as the master glands in the body. Incredibly, Maca also regulates blood sugar and blood pressure (with a lowering effect on both!)
It may boost sexual desire.
Maca helps to increase your libido and sexual desire. This natural aphrodisiac has also been shown to increase sperm counts! It can also increase libido in women who have gone through menopause.
Maca eases menopausal symptoms.
The Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine completed a review of 17 major medical databases and found that all of the studies done on maca and menopause showed that maca eases menopausal symptoms in women.While the researchers Maca treats menopausal symptoms, their findings prompted a call for further research into this exciting aspect of the root!
Maca root eases depression and anxiety.
This beneficial root is also known for alleviating anxiety and depression as it has an antidepressant effect on the user when included as part of a healthy diet.
It eases migraine headaches.
By balancing the progesterone and estrogen levels in our body, maca reduces the severity of migraine headaches. The long term effect of hormones that are balanced may mean fewer migraines for sufferers whose migraines are hormonal in origin. Some research also shows that maca is neuroprotective in non-hormone related ways as well.
It supports the immune system.
Maca root is also capable of enhancing our immune system due to which it also protects us from getting ill occasionally.
Maca helps prevent bone loss after menopause.
One 2006 study concluded, “Maca was effective in the prevention of estrogen deficient bone loss.” The research team noted that Maca might normalize estrogen levels while boosting progesterone, balancing blood sugar, and reducing systemic inflammation. Those factors all contribute to bone loss, so it makes sense that supplemental Maca would help!
It might be tempting to add maca to everything now that you’ve read about all the amazing health benefits. However, there are some reasons to use caution.
According to health expert Yuri Elkaim, there are some safety guides for getting started with Maca.
If you’re on HRT: Women on HRT should talk to their doctors about using maca. It may be possible to replace some or all of your estrogen dosage with maca, but please do it under a doctor’s supervision.
If you’re a breast cancer patient: Women taking tamoxifen or other estrogen blockers, and people who have had breast cancer should discuss the use of maca with a doctor, because it raises estrogen levels.
If you’re at risk for breast cancer: Men or women with a strong history of breast cancer should discuss maca use with a doctor first.
If you’re on thyroid medication: Work with your doctor to monitor your thyroid activity.
If you’re pregnant: Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should not take maca, as a general precaution.
If you’re just starting out with maca: The best way to begin reaping maca benefits is to start adding it to a daily green smoothie. One half-teaspoon the first week is a good place to start. Increase this amount to one teaspoon per day as your body becomes accustomed to the supplement. If you notice any side effects like breast tenderness or aggression, feel free to pull your dosage back a bit. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to find the amount that’s right for you.”
The ovaries are the main site of estrogen production, but other tissues in the body produce estrogen as well, including adipose or fat tissue, the brain, liver, adrenals and bones. Once the estrogen hormones are produced, they are released into circulation and exert their effects on several systems in the body, especially the reproductive system.
Like all metabolites and hormones in the body, estrogen levels need to be regulated. The liver is the site of detoxification for the body. Most toxins, hormones, and chemicals reach the liver first before entering circulation in order to prevent dangerously high levels of any of these molecules from entering the bloodstream and having negative consequences on various systems in the body. In the liver, excess estrogen is eliminated from the body through two phases.
First, it is converted into an inactive metabolite and then, it is eliminated from the body through urine, sweat, and feces. Usually, when the liver is overburdened it has trouble with the second phase of its detoxification process, which is the actual removal of the inactive metabolites from the body. The inactive metabolites of estrogen hormones are often more toxic than the estrogen hormone itself and are not fully inactivated after the first phase of detoxification.
Consequently, a buildup of these metabolites can increase toxicity and overall levels of estrogen in the body. These toxic estrogen metabolites can be reactivated once they enter circulation and can contribute to the increased risk of cancers and conditions of the reproductive system that we see with estrogen dominance.
The liver works extremely hard to detoxify your body of all the excess estrogen that we get from both internal tissues and environmental factors, but it can easily be overworked. We need to take care of our liver if we want to avoid hormone imbalance and the consequences that come with it.
Brain fog
Breast swelling and tenderness
Fibrocystic breasts
Hair loss
Irregular or otherwise abnormal menstrual periods
Low libido
Mood swings (most often irritability and depression)
Thyroid dysfunction
Trouble sleeping/insomnia
Weight and/or fat gain
Do a hormone detox that focuses on the liver
Eat more cruciferous vegetables
Try a DIM supplement
Reduce alcohol consumption
Replace your daily coffee with green tea or Chaga mushroom tea
Increase the amount of free-radical fighting foods in your diet, such as berries, turmeric, green tea, and cinnamon.
Right ladies, I know this is a lot to take in but if you need guidance, I am here to support you on your journey. I have a few wonderful programs that will help you through your journey.
21 Day Signature cleanse or
30 Day Inflammatory program
Perimenopause program
21 Day Hormonal reset
Menopause program
This month we focus on WOMAN and I would like to remind you of two events that you need to register! You can do this on my web page.
Yours in health & wellness